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REHA FOR THE BLIND is a key event at both the national and international levels. The conference brings together participants from many countries, including experts, NGO representatives, researchers and assistive technology manufacturers from around the world. It collaborates with many international organizations concerned with blind and visually impaired issues, such as the World Blind Union, the European Blind Union and other regional and global entities. This makes REHA FOR THE BLIND a platform for the international exchange of knowledge and experience. During the conference, the latest technologies and innovations to support the blind and visually impaired are presented, allowing participants to learn about products and solutions from different parts of the world. This, in turn, promotes the transfer of technology and best practices between countries. Through panel discussions and workshops, REHA FOR THE BLIND supports global initiatives to improve the lives of blind and visually impaired people. Conference topics often include human rights, accessibility to education, employment and social inclusion on an international level. With its international reach, REHA FOR THE BLIND is a vital event that influences the development of global standards and practices in support of blind and visually impaired people, promoting inclusivity and equality around the world.

Host of the IMC18 International Mobility Conference

The Chance Foundation was honored to host the 18th edition of the International Conference on Modern Rehabilitation, Independence and Mobility (IMC18), which took place in Warsaw on May 22-25, 2023. The conference, organized jointly with Polish universities and institutions supporting the blind and visually impaired, brought together world-class experts. The goal of IMC18 was to present the latest developments in the field of information access, which has a key impact on the independence of people with visual impairments. Thanks to the efforts of the Organizing Committee and the Scientific Committee, the conference was characterized by the high quality of materials and interdisciplinary approach to the topic.

World IDOL of the Blind

Since 2021, we have awarded the World Idol of the Blind Award at our annual REHA Conference. This is an award honoring individuals who have made significant contributions to the blind and visually impaired community by becoming an example to others. Each year at the REHA Conference, we strive to honor those who have not only demonstrated extraordinary commitment and work for the blind and visually impaired community, but also those who, by their example, motivate others to take action and strive for a better life. The World Idol of the Blind Award is given to individuals who, through their actions, initiatives, innovations or support, have specifically improved the quality of life for the blind and visually impaired.

The East-West Meetings

The Chance Foundation initiates and organizes international meetings called “East-West Meetings,” which are a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience between professionals and organizations from different parts of the world. These meetings, first initiated in 2011, attract representatives from countries as diverse as Japan, the US, Kazakhstan and Egypt. We are currently preparing the next edition of these meetings, planned under the theme “East-West, North-South,” aiming to integrate international experiences and develop new perspectives on adaptation and innovation in the field of rehabilitation of the blind and visually impaired.

International teleconferences of blind and visually impaired people

How to work for the communication of the blind and visually impaired community at the international level? What opportunities exist for visually impaired people in each country? How to organize the cooperation of the international community of the blind and visually impaired to be strong, supportive and change our world? These and many other questions were attempted to be answered during a series of meetings held at the initiative of the Chance Foundation. The teleconferences provide a platform for the exchange of experiences, ideas and best practices between representatives of different countries. The meetings held so far have been attended by representatives from 39 countries from all over the world, providing a broad spectrum of perspectives and solutions. This provides a better understanding of what the global challenges are and what steps can be taken to improve the situation of blind and visually impaired people internationally. During the meeting we had the honor of hosting Ms. Martine Abel-Williamson, President of the World Blind Union. The meetings are held in English, which allows effective communication between participants coming from different countries and cultures.

“We Are Together” competition

The competition initiated by the Chance Foundation is dedicated to innovative projects that support local communities for the blind and visually impaired. It aims to encourage the creation and implementation of ideas that can significantly improve the quality of life of blind and visually impaired people in various regions. The Foundation is looking for projects that will creatively contribute to social integration, increase independence and facilitate the daily functioning of these people. Applicants can count on financial and substantive support to help them implement their innovative solutions. The initiative aims to mobilize local communities to work together for the common good, as well as to increase public awareness of the needs and potential of blind and visually impaired people.