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Since 2007, as part of the REHA FOR THE BLIND IN POLAND Conference, the Chance Foundation - We Are Together has been awarding IDOL statuettes.Three figurines representing IDOL awards.

These prestigious awards are directed to individuals, companies and institutions whose activities make an outstanding contribution to improving the quality of life of blind and visually impaired people. 

 Stages of the competition:

  • Regional: Winners are awarded at regional REHA conferences.
  • National: Winners of the first stage compete for national awards, which are announced at the REHA FOR THE BLIND IN POLAND Conference in Warsaw.
  • International: To further promote and reward activities for the blind community internationally.

Objectives of the IDOL Competition:

  • promoting and rewarding activities for modern rehabilitation of the blind and visually impaired.
  • countering exclusion and promoting social integration of visually impaired people.
  • promoting equal opportunities and supporting the professional activity of blind and visually impaired people.
  • Strengthening the presence of visually impaired people in the media and promoting accessibility of information.

Categories of the IDOL Competition:

  • Special IDOL - A person or institution working for the emancipation of the blind and visually impaired community.
  • IDOL of the COMMUNITY - Blind or visually impaired persons who inspire and motivate others with their activities, or sighted persons who make an exceptional positive impact on the community of the blind and visually impaired.
  • IDOL in the Media Category - A representative of the media whose materials effectively reach out to people with visual disabilities or extensively discuss their problems.
  • IDOL in the Category Institution Open to the Blind - Legal entities that adapt their activities to the needs of the blind by:
    • increasing accessibility in government bodies;
    • conducting educational activities adapted to the needs of the blind and visually impaired;
    • providing services to the general public so that visually impaired people can use them on the same terms as other citizens.
  • IDOL Company of the Year - Companies that demonstrate innovation and commitment with their offerings at the REHA exhibition.
  • IDOL Product of the Year - Products presented at the REHA exhibition that most effectively support the rehabilitation of blind people.
  • World IDOL of the Blind - Blind people who work for the emancipation of the blind and visually impaired community on a global scale.

We encourage you to nominate candidates and participate in the competition to jointly promote activities for a world open to the blind. Applications are made through the website:


Place 1: Souini Hassane of Morocco
He is a blind researcher and author of books on people with disabilities.

Place 2: Edis Adilovic of Denmark
He is a fantastic role model for both blind and visually impaired children and adults. When interacting with people, he is present, funny and friendly. But at the same time, he knows how to show respect and care. Edis has walked the Camino de Compostella route himself (800 km), enjoys cross-country skiing, participating in hiking, running marathons, and skydiving. In addition to his full-time job, Edis also volunteers as a consultant to disadvantaged young people.

Place 3: Vispen Sjöblom of Sweden
Vispen Sjöblom is a great singer. She has produced many YouTube videos. She sings in English and Swedish, and has even tried her hand at Japanese or Italian. She would like to improve her singing because it helps her grow. Wispen was born blind. She is a sportswoman. She has been playing showdown for several years, competing in national, European and IPSa competitions. At work, she interviews people “in the dark” at conventions: Step into my shoes.